Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Library Alliance (GHMULA)

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Library Alliance (GHMULA) was established in June 2017. The purpose of the alliance is to promote cooperation and resource sharing among libraries in the three regions. The Macau University of Science and Technology Library, City University of Macau Library, and Macao University of Tourism Library were elected as members of the Macau Regional Alliance Council. Cooperation among university libraries within the alliance will optimize interlibrary loan services, document delivery, publication exchange and personnel training. The alliance aims to establish a "one-hour library circle" to deepen academic exchanges and research cooperation between the three places and provide support for the development of the Greater Bay Area.


MTU Library was elected as members of the Macau Regional Alliance Council

More information visit webiste: Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau University Library Alliance (GHMULA)